Wattpad Novel

Monday, August 8, 2011

When Child Labor is Accepted as a Chore

Image by the author

The two boys are Carlo and Cesar (not their real names). They are twins both eight years old and I usually see them with their improvised cart as they sell sandok- a kitchen utensil made of wood and some bamboo alkansya- a coin chest.

I sympathize with these types of children and who wouldn’t? The two boys should be in school- studying and playing. They should be enjoying the benefits of being a child, not on the street- basking under the heat of the sun while asking everyone to buy their merchandize.

As an initial reaction, like most people would have, I thought of the boys’ parents as irresponsible. Then again, there are acceptable reasons like the two boys could already be orphans or that their parents are incapable for work.

My boss had taken interest in buying some sandok, so I took the liberty of making some inquiries.

Image by the author

The boys’ parents are still living and in good health. While the father is a farmer, the mother is normally at home, taking care of their little siblings. They are nine brothers and sisters in the family. Their eldest is about sixteen, already working in the field with the father.  The twins told me that the eldest is in his second year in high school but because of financial problems, their parents decided to stop his education for a while. Three of their sisters are also in high school; three of them (the twins included) are in elementary school. They have a toddler and the youngest is still two months old.

Child labor defined

We normally understand child labor as kids doing harsh job in unlikely places. We hear this harassment in news – children working in mines or those in factories manufacturing firecrackers, some unforgivable acts, especially when their health and their very lives had already been affected or worst, taken.

Household chores are exempted from child labor but when kids are involved in family business – their education and others privileges affected, this becomes child labor.

An act of survival

Over population and poverty are some challenges in every country. People tend to find other source of income just to survive. The sad thing about it is their children becoming involved and affected.

Cesar and Carlo are some of the kids who have seen peddling as a chore. Normally, children are given errands as washing the dishes, doing beds or watering plants but these two, they have to roam the street everyday to help their parents support the rest of the family. They are usually deprived of playtime and more alarmingly, they have lost interest in going to school.

Children are the future. Chores shape them into responsible people. But child labor is a different thing. It robs them of their youth and gives them a responsibility that they wouldn’t handle. Children are to take care of and they should live their life as they should. After all being a child is not forever, best that they enjoy it.

Image by the author

However considering poverty and some different sad cases, children cannot have the said opportunities. The two boys are still lucky though. They have their parents love and we see worse cases of child labor everyday from all around the globe. I think involving kids with the family’s financial problem is a tough option for the parents. But as the mother of these two boys’ reasoned, ‘It’s just being practical! It is matter of survival- no toil, no food.’

The boys’ so called chore is not a choice.


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_labou
  2. http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_childlabour. 
  3. htmlhttp://www.childprotection.org.ph/whatshappening/whtbits7_decjanfeb04.html 
  4. http://www.dol.gov/ilab/media/reports/iclp/Advancing1/html/philippines.html
Original article published at Triond (August 8, 2010)

Facts About Anti-Emetics

One typical discomfort in traveling is motion-sickness.  Also known as kinetosis or travel sickness, motion sickness is characterized by symptoms of nausea, dizziness and fatigue. It is a condition when a disagreement exist between the eyes and the ears- the visually perceived movement and the vestibular system sense of movement. Travelers use inhalants or embrocations to relieve dizziness but taking an anti-emetic as a preventive measure is the most common practice.

Image by the author

There are the usual drugs for motion sickness, but in cases of unavailability, medical professionals use other alternative drugs. The following are information about the commonly used anti-emetics and the substitute medicine for motion sickness relief.

Common Anti-Emetic Drugs

  • Meclizine
Meclizine HCl is an effective anti-histamine or an anti-allergy drug but most widely used as an anti-emetic. Not only that it is indicated for the treatment of nausea, vomiting and dizziness associated with motion sickness, Meclizine is also used in nausea due to pregnancy (except for the first trimester) and vertigo associated with diseases affecting vestibular system. Since it is an over the counter drug, Meclizine is the most popular drug for motion- sickness.

Common brand names:Bonamine, Dizitab, Nodiz and Postadozine.
  •  Dimenhydrinate
Being a prescription medicine, Dimenhydrinate falls second to Meclizine. It is also categorized as an anti-vertigo and can be used as a sleep-aid. Its sedation property is more powerful than Meclizine.

 Common brand names: Emes and Gravol.
  • Cinnarizine
Cinnarizine is a prescription drug categorized as  antivertigo and as cerebral and peripheral dilators. It is used in prophylaxis and as a maintenance therapy for symptoms of cerebrovascular spasms and arteriosclerotic disorders due to aging, Meniere’s disease and labyrinthine disturbances.

Common brand names: Stugeron, Cinamin, Cinarin, Cinabloc, Vertisin.

Alternative Anti-Emetics
  • Dipenhydramine
Diphenhydramine falls in the same group of dimenhydrinate as aminoalkyl esters. This drug is usually used for its anti- allergic effect for hay fever, utricaria and other skin allergies and also as an antitussive. It has an antispasmodic and a sedative property that this can also be used as an anti-emetic.

Common brand names: Allerin AH, Benadryl
  • Hyoscine-N-Butylbromide
Hyoscine is an anti-spasmodic medicine, indicated for smooth muscle spasm in the GIT including biliary and renal colic. Parenterally or through injection, it is used as an aid in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like  gastroduodenal endoscopy and radiology. Hyoscine is not normally used as an anti-emetic because of its other popular uses, but it can also be an effective remedy for motion-sickness.

Common brand names: Buscopan, Ascopen,Buscomed, Busopin.
  • Domperidone
Domperidone is commonly used for its  prokinetic action in the gastro intestinal motility. It is considered as an anti-emetic but not suitable for chronic nausea and vomiting.

Common brand names: Motilium, Andiogan, Domphenyl, Domper, Gasidone, Gilax.


  • The drugs mentioned above should be taken  thirty minutes before departure.
  • The common side-effect is drowsiness, therefore drugs like CNS depressant and alcohol should not be taken.
  • There are the hazards of the adverse reactions like the thightening of chest in dimenhydrinate, hypersensitivity reactions in metoclopramide and hyoscine or the diarrhea in Domperidone. It is always best to consult a physician regarding with these medications.
  1. MIMS Online
  2. Wilson and Gisvold Textbook of Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 9th edition

Original article published at Triond (July 19, 2010)

Basic Tutorials On Improving Your Stumble Upon Blog

Stumble Upon is the most popular bookmarking site in the net for most writers. Same as most sites, the greatest challenge here is to increase subscribers and friends.

A writer-friend of mine once advised me to put some pictures on my SU blog to gain subscribers. I didn’t get what he meant at first that I paid him a visit at his site.

His site was indeed better than mine. Same as me, he has various interests but the pictures have been enjoyable. Actually, I didn’t know how he did it. I think he did explain it to me but I ended up making trial and errors instead. I have been successful though- thinking if others can do it, maybe I can too.

From 18 friends, I have acquired 50 more within a month without sending a friend request. I owe my friend big time!

So here it is. He gave me the idea and here I am sharing some basic steps to you!
  • Putting pictures on your blog

You must first set your settings to blog mode. You can find it at your account settings, under 'customize profile'. Look for the default view- there are two choices, the 'All' and 'Reviews'. Click the 'Reviews'. Save your preferences. Then you are ready to put pictures on your blog. The following are the steps:
  1. Click the picture you like then right click.
  2. Look for the ‘StumbleUpon PhotoBlog It’ and click.
  3. The syntax of the image will appear on your comment box. Just click ‘save’ and the picture will appear on your blog page.
Note 1: If you want to make a comment. You can write the comment below or above the syntax of the image then ‘save’.

Note2: PhotoBlogging can also be done with your profile page.
  1. Choose am image you like- a have a nice day or welcome greeting (you can find a lot of these at PhotoBucket).
  2. On the image, right click. Look up at the 'StumbleUponPhotoBlogIt' then click.
  3. The syntax will appear on your comment box. Copy it.
  4. Go to your settings to your profile box and paste the syntax there.
  5. Save.
  • Centering your text or image

Add the code before your text or image.
  • Changing fonts

So far I only know two. Here are the codes.
Add this before your text.
  • Italics and bold letters

Same as the above instructions.
  • Changing the color of your fonts

Same as the above instructions.
For more Stumble Upon advance tutorials. Visit the following site:
Below are the most beautiful blogs in SU. Enjoy!
For the easiest way of centering, changing fonts etc, visit this site:  SUEditor for Greasemonkey

Original article published at Triond (July 4, 2010)