On handling a Philippine Scops Owl
Being an owlet, as young as 1 month is the most tamable period for a Philippine Scops owl. While, uncultivated Philippine Scops owls are better kept locked in cages or best left alone in the wild, tamed types can be held in a perch even without a ring for support. Cultivated Philippines Scops owls can be even hand fed. Owners wear gloves until their pet owls become accustomed to the process. Philippine Scops owls can also be as loyal and intelligent. They can acknowledge an owner through a master’s call or whistle.

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While a baby owl or owlet can be kept for awhile in a dark and big box, like most owls, a Philippine Scops owl is best held in a confined place where he can move freely. Whether you will keep an owl in an aviary or inside your house, just make sure that there aren’t any cats and other hostile animals in the area.
Philippine Scops owls can be messy and destructive though. They can push and drop things onto floors from cabinets or spots they chose to land. Like other types, they tend leave feathers and defecate all the time and anywhere. If left alone for a long time ‘owl droppings’ tend to hardened like cement that his place area or your house should be inspected and cleaned all the time.
A Philippine Scops owl can be kept in a cage. However, cages should be big enough for exercise. And most owls confined to cages are apt to become aggressive than those left alone in perches.